Sunday, January 29, 2017

Taboo and being sacred

Life as we know has so many dos and donts. Right from childhood. Eating the "right" food makes you a good boy/girl. Studying everyday, Playing everyday, Not watching tv everyday, etc
There are such defined roles for each and everyone at each stage of their lives. It is good for the functioning of the society when things are up hill. But when theres a downfall, a student fails, your marriage falls apart, or if you are plain different, the one thing which bothers the individual is what will they say. "They" include your parents, siblings, neighbours, relatives, friends, the list goes on.

Wouldn't it be easier to live in a society where such expectations are not defined. Say if you fail, any individual should comment chill dude, work better next time. The heaviness of this expectation just weighs down on one more than the gravity of the situation itself. If your marriage falls apart, its just like a business deal not working out. Of course, there are emotions involved but marriage is not a jigsaw puzzle where the pieces had to fit. It is more like a playground where you come and play everyday. Sometimes you realize that even though you are in the same play area, you like different rides. You can try playing together but eventually you know deep inside what your calling is.

Monday, November 21, 2016

My Goals

Stay Happy
Do not get engrossed in mundane chores, Rise above it
Stay Fit. Get back to size M.
Work Around Things
Understand that you cannot fulfil all roles 100%
Shove the Mom guilt
Be compassionate
Do not overspend
Talk to mom everyday (not in a hurry)
Do not be in a hurry all the time
Live Life QUEEN size

Monday, May 25, 2015


Sometimes you look back at your self and wonder what have you become. Do the mundane life and prejudiced opinions rule our life so much that we have forgotten to live and enjoy but fret and worry?
When and why does money get important?
Why do we start judging a loved one for things they don't do over the ones they do?
Why do we make up stories in our minds and not live in the reality and improve our future?
When do assumptions become facts?
Why does chaos become a family member?
Why isn't patience your best friend?
Why don't goals last till you achieve them?
Why do we speak our minds when we shouldn't?
Why what ifs and not It is?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

RIP Vikas Kaka

A silent prayer...
To up and above...
You have someone...
Who we adored till now...

Please take care of him...
The way he did..
Of all his family members and friends...
A gem of a person truly to be missed!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

"Mother Hood"

A reason why I put d space in mother and hood  is cause in the start of this new phase u really want to stay hooded... shield yourself from too many advices,  emotions, changes.... one word to sum up this adventurous journey is exhilarating...
I am too scared,  nervous,  anxious all the time to know what will be next...the saying take life as it comes might come in handy but difficult to implement as u yourself are in for a lot of physical and emotional restoration...
The biggest support is ur family n friends... closest ones who are with u to help you come out of the hood... salut  to them...

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Tiny Tots

A new life..
A new way..
Its going to be a
different tomorrow, they say..

I want to step in..
quietly and watch..
the little prancing feet and tiny laughs...

Peace unto pieces

Why is it so difficult to live in peace? When we are busy in life working, managing home, relationships, etc, we long to have some peace... some time for ourselves... and when we finally get the chance to be that way, it kinda feels empty...not peaceful...
We are so used to equating doing something = being useful in life that we have forgotten what it is to just listen to the silence around us, observe around, introspect and probably use the time to just enjoy being you and things around you... In a way it is doing something...