Monday, January 21, 2008

To forgive or not to...

How and when should one forgive someone. Betrayal by a stranger can be dismissed easily. But the one that hurts the most is when its done by someone too special and dear to you. How and when do you forgive them or not ? Do things remain the same after that? Parents are like role model forgivers. I rememeber doing so many mistakes as a kid and a grown up too. Stole money for postcards, was caught roaming with my boyfriends, lied to them so many times and got caught about it and yet they love me like it all never happened. Does it really require a big heart or is it just a course of life... you just let go...
It probably depends on how serious the "crime" is. Is it done intentionally or out of pure stupidity? Initially you tend to get hurt thinking about it all...emotionally, but an afterthought helps... u can seggregate the matter logically and reason it out.
Life is too short to live it holding grudges against people. Letting go the hurt or the person is the best way.

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