Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Knight in Shining Armour

I want no knight in shinining armour...
What a crazy girl, the world would say...

What the knight would give me...
Is love n comfort n companionship...
I want it too... But not for now...

All I want is a fufilling life...
And work that satisfies my mind...
I want to answer all important issues...
And not rely on any kind...

Cause Self-Reliance is one of the keys...
To a "Happy Home"...
Only such a home can invite a Knight...
And have a happy ever after...

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

"d" days

ummm...so wat is with celebrating birthdays/anniversaries.. is it a worldwide thing to claim every yr how old u/ur relationship is getting... or is it just a day to get in touch/spend time with all the people who know u but hardly talk/meet u...

Same with New yr.... and we have so many new yrs in a yr in our country... thers a new yr for maharashtrians, then for parsis, then the official new yr according to the universal sun calendar tht we all religiously follow...

Surely thers a reason for it... it marks an end of a period and d beginning of a new one... to forget/learn from all tht is past n make a new beginning... well all of us make resolutions at the beginning of the yr dont we?

I never got to finish this one... so dont rem why I wrote it in the first place... I am contradicting myself in it. Strange me!

Monday, May 21, 2007


Ever felt clueless about anything in life? Ask me... I am clueless about the major things in life... particularly what do I want to do in life! I have read so many books/articles summing up and saying that you come in the world and you have a purpose a fufill... I am still seeking mine...

My 14 year old nephew asked me about my ambition in life and I was stumped... I really never had any... I just covered up by saying... I wanna live a happy and fufilling life... Which I really want to but by doing things which make me feel uselful in life... The current work isnt that uses many of the talents which I have...

More on this shortly...

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Capital of my country... Delhi... am really impressed with it... especially the metro service... feels like heaven... getting into the comfy air conditioned smooth moving rail bogies... cant really call it a bogie... sounds too down market for a classy compartment... yup but getting back to the point... its a relief to get in it to shield yourself from the sweltering sun...and yes Delhi is terribly hot....I had been for a friends wedding there and had a few hours to explore the city by myself... Its a huge city unlike Bombay where places are in a straight line... well almost... you just have to go a little round the pot holes ;)

I went to Janpath... a better version of the extinct Fashion Street... and it was such an amazing experience to have the escalators of the station ending up on the streets... I might be sounding like this village girl whose come to the city and is in awe with everything she sees... I have been around a few places in europe...{I am trying not to show off ;)} but never seen in it "apun ka india" So I am little amazed and extremely proud... Janpath is a nice place to shop... You have all the brands and the export surplus stuff , chunky junky jewelllery and footwear and bags... So a shoppers paradise if you know how to bargain right...

And a stark contrast in the transport of the city... theres metro rail and there are the cycle rickshaws... drawn by these tanned old/young men... I felt real sorry for them... but thats their way of life... it was a fun ride though... in the cycle rickshaw... almost like a ghoda gaadi one ;)

The wedding was a small affair unlike the jazzy delhi weddings... but the enthu was the same amongst all... visited the beauty parlours... and saw that all the brides (there were quite some weddings on the same day) wore their lehenga in the same way... it was red with different embroidery and extremelyyyyy heavy... my friend had a tough time managing it... and one more thing... even the kids were made to put make up and iron their hair... and i am talking about 3-5 year olds!!!!

and how could I forget... delhi markets... you get good stuff with all the saree shops saying that this is mr/ms x's copied design (x being a famous fashion designer)... and the foood... the best way to eat good is to visit these small dhabas... and mannnnn the foood is heavenly... the kababs , parathas... my mouths watering again just think in about it... wish we could have more chicken roll thelas as pav bhaji ones in bombay...

Wondering when my Bombay/ Mumbai (in case some shiv sainiks supporters reading this) will look as classy and when travelling in the locals will be as comfy as in the metro... hope hope hope... thats all we live on...

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Going down the memory lane the click! way...

Nothing can replace the fotos in our albums... how many of us actually browse through the fotos on our computers/mobiles/ipods on a lazy sunday afternoon... but many of us do see the foto albums that we have. We crib about how much space it takes up and not all are sorted and kept in order and all the not so good fotos also exist... but its fun to see all of them!

Seeing urself and others grow... the change in the clothes... the hair do... n for me... it was the amazing no of different spectacles that i have had... I could remember most of the places/time where the snaps were clicked and it felt so good knowing that i have actually travelled to quite some places... had so many bday celebrations till now (the traditional cake cutting snaps of all 25 bdays bear witness to it) the festivals celebrated... feeeels alll nostalgic n puts u in reallllll good spirits... n puts a gr8 smile on your face to last throughout the day... n momentarily forget the emptiness that exists in ur life...

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

You just got to do it!

Have you ever had that feeling that you HAVE to do a particular thing! As in there is this urge and someone just pushing you from inside asking you to WAKE UP!!! and take charge of things. Whether its right or wrong ( who can define that anyways) beneficial, harmful. No clue about the same.

I have got this feeling today for taking an entrance test for MBA. I have no clue whether I wanna do it or not. Just wanna test my ability. I have not taken any decision about what I wanna do in life. May be it is lifes way of guiding me.

Guess I am going to go for it.