Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Khuda ke liye...

India is divided into many number of states on the basis of languages. Each state has their own divisions. Like in Maharashtra, you have maharashtrians, but there are bramhins, saraswats, deshastra, etc. Why is everything so divided? Why can't we have a "One" funda... things would be so much easier. Just "One" God... (thats what I believe in) and not hundreds and thousand devtas/devis, allah, jesus christ (no I am not swearing) Just "One" Nation...
I saw this movie the other day "Khuda ke liye" A very good one if you into reality and not karan johar kind of movies. It showed how a pakistani girl born and brought up in Britain is duped into marrying her cousin in Pakistan (who has turned into a religious fanatic due to some maulvi influence) and how she fights for all of it in the end. It shows that people try to do things in Gods name when HE himself never laid down any rules.
What is the reason we are born? I believe that we all come into the world to enjoy life, learn different things, pursue our passion, live in harmony with others, be truthful, respect elders, help the needy and try to make some contribution to this world to make it a little better place . If we go by my theory, then why should we be ever involved in these religious rackets. Just live and let live. Come on people, life is too short to live it worrying about issues like these. We already have live examples of how such issues blow up to sizes unimaginable.
So just fight for your rights but don't tread on someone elses... Khuda ke liye


This subject relates to the hot topic in my life... Marriage...

Had a discussion on the same...arranged marriages (AM's) and love marriages (LM's)... are any of these better? In LM's the advantage is of knowing the person and hence taking a step ahead in the relationship is marriage. AM's are more of a gamble, where you gauge a person based on looks, education, family and all this in a few meetings.

But I believe a marriage is a total different ball game whether you know the person or no. Things change drastically as u actually start living with the person. His/her eating habits/ sleeping habits... you got to live with each other with all of it. In AM's there's the fun of discovering the person right from the scratch, whereas in LMs you expect certain things out of the person and if it doesn't happen that way... then trouble rings in...
I haven't checked the surveys for divorce rates... whether AM or LM have higher rates... but in general divorces seem to be on the rise... and I really think people give up too easily... but it also means that people are no longer ready to stay married just cause "you have to" ... they standing up for themselves... but I just hope they fight it out well before giving up...
All in all I just hope that it goes well for me... whenever it happens... people ask "are u ready for it?" and I am like "How can I be ever ready for a thing I have never known before ?"

Hop hop hop away...

Torn in between two worlds are hoppers of the modern world. You may ask who are these... well these are the globe trotting friends of our generation. Job opportunities often take us away from home and they might take us to different places. But do we still yearn to be back? Or do we adapt to the new place well enough to find the "home" town too.... wats the word... well lets say not too fascinating anymore.
A friend of mine is working in bangalore and often comes to town to visit her folks. Initially her comments would be bangalore is real nice and clean, climate is cooler and a perfect place to bring up your kids. Slowly the comments turned to..."Gosh the place sucks, so much time and nothing much to do" and now its a mixture of the pros n cons of both the cities.
Lets take in to account our pardesi dears. How they miss the dear country... by country I mean the 3 F's... (dont get any naughty ideas now) Family, Friends and Food.... not in the same order though. But yet when they come to visit their country, they complain endlessly of the weather, traffic, corruption, pollution, dirt, .... (the list never ends)
I hope these people find solace in someplace...
Yet what must it really be to be torn it between two worlds? Yet to be experienced by me... but will definitely let you know then...