Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hop hop hop away...

Torn in between two worlds are hoppers of the modern world. You may ask who are these... well these are the globe trotting friends of our generation. Job opportunities often take us away from home and they might take us to different places. But do we still yearn to be back? Or do we adapt to the new place well enough to find the "home" town too.... wats the word... well lets say not too fascinating anymore.
A friend of mine is working in bangalore and often comes to town to visit her folks. Initially her comments would be bangalore is real nice and clean, climate is cooler and a perfect place to bring up your kids. Slowly the comments turned to..."Gosh the place sucks, so much time and nothing much to do" and now its a mixture of the pros n cons of both the cities.
Lets take in to account our pardesi dears. How they miss the dear country... by country I mean the 3 F's... (dont get any naughty ideas now) Family, Friends and Food.... not in the same order though. But yet when they come to visit their country, they complain endlessly of the weather, traffic, corruption, pollution, dirt, .... (the list never ends)
I hope these people find solace in someplace...
Yet what must it really be to be torn it between two worlds? Yet to be experienced by me... but will definitely let you know then...

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